Sunday 7 April 2013

The day we were into binding books.

It never stops amazing me just how much stuff we create. People don't always take it home or we have no room to store it. Sometimes we put on an exhibition of the work done but this is not always possible. We came up with the idea of making something to store work in that was much easier to store, move about and presented work attractively. We decided to make some large books out of work we had done.

We folded huge sheets of sugar or other thick paper to make the cover and middles. Then we made three holes, one up one central and one down in the spine. Using a strong needle and thick thread we loop from middle to top to bottom to middle and tied it of to form the binding.

We then stuck in work, created the covers and cropped oversize pictures to fit. We were left with a set of manageable and well presented portfolios of our work.